
HIV Resources

-+*Ontario HIV Treatment Network (OHTN) The OHTN is a non-profit funded by HIV and Hepatitis C Programs at the Ontario Ministry of Health. We’re a node of collaboration; our work brings together key partners from across the sector to improve the lives of all Ontarians living with and at risk of HIV. Ontario Advisory Committee …

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Message from the Board: Executive Director Jean Bacon announces retirement

-+*The Board of Directors of the Ontario HIV Treatment Network (OHTN) is writing to advise that Jean Bacon, OHTN’s Executive Director, is planning to retire later this year. Jean leaves behind an incredible legacy. She has worked in the HIV sector since 1986, including more than 15 years at the OHTN, with the last seven …

Message from the Board: Executive Director Jean Bacon announces retirement Read More »

Evidence Report on homophobia, transphobia and biphobia for IDAHOBIT 2023

-+*Download report as PDF The Ontario HIV Treatment Network is strongly committed to diversity, resilience and health equity. To mark the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia, and in solidarity with the communities we work to support, we asked our Knowledge Synthesis and Data & Applied Science Impact teams to share their findings on …

Evidence Report on homophobia, transphobia and biphobia for IDAHOBIT 2023 Read More »

HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) in Ontario, 2021

-+*Download full report Version française HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is the use of antiretroviral medication on an ongoing basis to reduce one’s risk of acquiring HIV infection. When taken consistently and correctly, PrEP is a highly effective HIV-risk reduction strategy and a critical part of comprehensive HIV prevention. To ensure that everyone who could benefit …

HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) in Ontario, 2021 Read More »

La prophylaxie pré-exposition (PrEP) contre le VIH en Ontario, 2021

-+*Télécharger le rapport complet English version La prophylaxie pré-exposition (PrEP) consiste à prendre des médicaments antirétroviraux sur une base continue afin de réduire le risque de contracter le VIH. Lorsqu’elle est prise régulièrement et correctement, la PrEP est une stratégie hautement efficace de réduction du risque d’infection et une composante centrale de la prévention globale …

La prophylaxie pré-exposition (PrEP) contre le VIH en Ontario, 2021 Read More »

HIV Testing Guidelines Media Backgrounder

-+*Download PDF   Visit HIVTestingOntario  News Release 1. Overview The release of the updated HIV testing guidelines—Ontario Guidelines for Providers Offering HIV Testing—represents a progressive step forward in efforts to eliminate new HIV infections in Ontario.     In 2019, the rate of first-time HIV diagnoses was the lowest it has been since 1985. Antiretroviral therapy (ART)—medication …

HIV Testing Guidelines Media Backgrounder Read More »

A liver, pills, and a close-up of the HCV virus

Best practices to increase engagement and retention in hepatitis C care among people who use drugs

-+*Download pdf Question  Key take-home messages The issue and why it’s important Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is transmitted when the blood of an infected person comes into contact with the blood of an uninfected person (23). Approximately 25% of individuals spontaneously clear the virus after infection; however, the majority of individuals go on to develop …

Best practices to increase engagement and retention in hepatitis C care among people who use drugs Read More »


-+*Muluba Habanyama et Eno Akan-Essien, militantes pour le VIH, s’entretiennent avec des experts et des personnes vivant avec le VIH, démystifient les mythes et présentent les dernières avancées en matière de prévention, de dépistage et de traitement du VIH TORONTO, le 30 novembre 2021 : Au cours des dernières décennies, des progrès importants ont été …


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