Rapid Learning is an systems-level approach that guides networks of service and care providers to work with the communities they serve and with research and policy partners to make improvements. As part of the OHTN Endgame Strategic Plan to 2026, we hope to create rapid learning systems to improve the HIV prevention, treatment and care cascade, initially in priority learning and improvement areas, eventually driving improvement across the entire HIV sector.
A rapid learning health and social system for HIV has seven characteristics:
- Engaged clients – improvement is anchored in the experiences of people living with HIV interacting with the system; Clients are part of the process of change
- Digital capture, linkage and timely sharing of relevant data – efforts leverage new technology
- Timely production of research evidence – research is used to identify options and improve implementation
- Appropriate decision supports – People at all levels of the system can access evidence in usable ways and make change
- Align governance, financial and delivery arrangements – Dialogue and collective impact is used to set priorities jointly, to incrementally link services and to fill gaps
- Culture of rapid learning and improvement – Organizations working together build processes to support collaboration and adaptability
- Competencies for rapid learning and improvement – Training and design changes are implement to support improvement and learn from others
Current Rapid Learning and Improvement Priority Areas
Through its strategic planning process and consultations with its stakeholders, the OHTN has identified seven priority areas for rapid learning and improvement.
- Implement initiatives to scale-up PrEP prescribing and use in Ontario
- Enhance HIV prevention with health promotion and population-focused prevention interventions designed for at-risk communities
- Expand HIV testing in Ontario
- Improve linkage, adherence and retention in care outcomes for people living with HIV in Ontario
- Promote HIV clinical care standards and enhance capacity
- Reduce the negative impacts of mental health issues, addiction and stigma on the well-being of people living with and at risk of HIV
- Integrate the services used by people living with and at risk of HIV to reduce gaps and provide more holistic care and support