Planning Committee
Travel Expense Resimbursement
If you have not already done so, please send all itemized receipts and submit to [email protected] . Please also read the entire Travel Expense Form (link below). Please be advised that we will not process meal claims during times when meals are available at the hotel as part of our event.
DEADLINE: All expenses must be submitted by October 19th, 2023 for reimbursement.
PARKING: For those who stayed overnight and who have driven to the hotel, your parking will be covered; however, if you live within the city of Toronto your parking costs will not be covered unless you need to drive for accessibility reasons. If you are not staying at the hotel and have driven from outside of Toronto, and are not able to take public transit, please be in touch to discuss whether we are able to cover parking for you during the day.
MEALS: This budget reflects meals consumed by an individual outside of meeting times (breakfast and lunch are provided during the two event days and are therefore not reimbursed). Please note that alcoholic beverages will not be reimbursed. These rates include taxes and gratuities. Itemized receipts must be attached, not credit card or debit slips alone, to receive reimbursement. These amounts have been updated based on the 2020 Provincial Government Travel, Meal and Hospitality Expenses Directive
Breakfast: $10.00
Lunch: $12.50
Dinner: $22.50