Mental health care is an integral part of comprehensive medical care for people living with HIV, and requires integrated expertise in cultural psychiatry, trauma-informed care, medical psychiatry and addictions medicine. The educational offerings described here aim to promote and support mental health for patients with HIV, mental illness and/or substance use disorders, by enhancing collaborations between academic medical centers and community HIV/AIDs agencies and sharing evidence-informed practices to elevate care quality.
The purpose of these educational offerings is to inspire interest in, enhance knowledge about, and develop broader capacity to care for complex patients with HIV. Patients with HIV represent diverse backgrounds, gender and sexual identities, and socioeconomic statuses, such that an inclusive and trauma-informed approach is essential.
Our key enabling attitude
Recognition that patient-centered care for this complex population is achieved through diverse perspectives (including patient and invested care provider perspectives) and through collaboration formalized through shared learning and work opportunities.

HIV & Mental Health
Education Opportunities

University of Toronto Resident Elective Experiences

Mental Health Clinical Fellowship
(for mental health workers from community agencies)

Casey House
Mental Health Series