Addressing HIV and COVID-19: Gaps and Opportunities


December 8, 2021
1–2:30 p.m. EST


Over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, people have navigated isolation, loss of employment, housing precarity, and other challenges that hinder successful HIV prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and care. As we move through the fourth wave of the pandemic, the HIV sector continues to respond to changing needs. As a result, a new landscape of HIV services is emerging.

What can we learn from our experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic? Which of these lessons can be leveraged to support our goals in addressing HIV?  

This webinar, hosted in partnership with OHTN, will bring together community-level, clinical, and research experts to discuss the impact of COVID-19 on the HIV care cascade; our evolving response to the COVID-19 pandemic; and how to improve services to reach those most affected by both HIV and COVID-19.   

Moderator: Shriya Hari, COVID-19 Information Specialist and Education Coordinator, CATIE

Webinaire en anglais. Une version française de ce webinaire est prévue pour 2022. Afin d’être averti.e de cette date, abonnez-vous aux Nouvelles liées aux webinaires.


  • Junine Toy, Senior Manager, Drug Treatment Program, B.C. Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS; Clinical Pharmacy Specialist, St. Paul’s Hospital Ambulatory Pharmacy; Clinical Instructor, University of British Columbia, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Abigail Kroch, Director, Applied Epidemiology Unit, OHTN 
  • Glen Bradford, Manager, Peer Navigation Services, AIDS Vancouver 
  • Gareth Henry, Executive Director, Black Coalition for AIDS Prevention
  • Dr. Gordon Arbess, Clinical Director, HIV/AIDS program, St. Michael’s Hospital
  • Danita Wahpoosewyan, Peer Health Advocate, Wellness Wheel; Board Director for CATIE and Canadian Association of Hepatology Nurses
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