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HQ Toronto at 790 Bay is a new centre of excellence in healthcare by and for the community of cis guys into guys and two-spirit, transgender and non-binary people. It offers a range of holistic and culturally relevant health and wellness services under one roof by simply walking in, no appointments needed. We’re affirming, sex-positive, shame-free, and bullying-free. The centre welcomes cis guys into guys and two-spirit, transgender and non-binary people looking for a safe place to manage their sexual, mental, physical and emotional health.
HQ is currently seeking input and collaboration from our current and former service users, as well as members of our communities such as cisgender men who are attracted to men, two-spirit people, transgender people, and non-binary people. HQ’s goal to work together to create a space that caters to the sexual health, mental health, and social support needs of our communities. HQ welcomes those who are willing to join us in this collaborative effort.
The Client and Community Advisory Council will provide advice to HQ and its community partners to help ensure that HQ remains accountable and that its performance monitoring and learning and improvement processes remain transparent to the clients and communities it serves. The Council is an advisory body; it does not direct programs and services.