Our mission is collaboration.

The Ontario HIV Treatment Network is a non-profit funded by HIV and Hepatitis C Programs at the Ontario Ministry of Health. We're a node of collaboration; our work brings together key partners from across the sector to improve the lives of all Ontarians living with and at risk of HIV.

News and updates

Our goal is to improve the health and lives of people living with and at risk of HIV by using data and evidence to drive change. To do this, we work with testing programs and clinics, AIDS service and other community-based organizations to support needle-moving projects with real impact.

The OHTN works to build capacity across Ontario's HIV treatment, prevention and care cascade by providing quality data on the epidemic, reliable research on best practies, and education, training and other supports. Our projects engage Ontario ASOs, clinicians, researchers, and people living with HIV/AIDS in mutually supportive relationships.

Our projects

Data on HIV in Ontario

The Ontario HIV Treatment Network's Applied Epidemiology Unit (AEU) brings together stakeholders to improve access to timely, relevant, and comprehensive information about the epidemiology of HIV in Ontario, especially through the Ontario HIV Epidemiology and Surveillance Initiative.

Supporting the health of Ontarians across the HIV care cascade

The OHTN drives projects that monitor and support the health of Ontarians living with and at risk of HIV, including the Ontario HIV Treatment Network Cohort Study (OCS), the largest community-governed HIV cohort in Ontario and one of the largest cohort studies in North America.

The OHTN Cohort Study

+-*Established in 1996, the Ontario HIV Treatment Network Cohort Study (OCS) is the largest community-governed HIV cohort in Ontario and is one of the largest cohort studies in North America. It represents a diverse group of Ontarians living with HIV including men and women of different ages, sexual orientations and ethnicities.

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Best practices in HIV prevention and care

The OHTN brings together partners to produce high‐quality evidence. By collaborating and sharing best practices, we aim to reduce HIV transmission in Ontario and improve the care and support for people living with HIV.


Rapid Response Program

The OHTN Rapid Response Service provides access to research evidence in response to questions from community‐based HIV/AIDS organizations and policy makers in Ontario to help support evidence‐informed programs, service delivery, policy, and practice.

Latest Rapid Responses:


SHARE is an easy‐to‐search, real‐time repository of HIV‐related systematic reviews. Updated every three months, all articles in SHARE have been taxonomixed and categorized to enable quick and comprehensive searching and navigation.

Education and KTE

The OHTN Health HIVe is an online education portal for community and healthcare providers interested in quality HIV care. The resources are aimed at HIV clinics, community-based HIV/AIDS organizations, and HIV testing programs in Ontario and beyond.

Accelerating Projects that Improve Health

The Ontario HIV Treatment Network supports the solution-focused implementation of interventions that can improve health care services and social supports for people living with and at risk of HIV.


+-*The Positive News is an Ontario-wide campaign on social and traditional media. Through a series of brief, eye-catching videos, the campaign was designed to make key concepts in HIV treatment and management such as PrEP, testing and U=U accessible to a general audience.

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+-*OntarioPrEP.ca is a resource for Ontarians who think they may need PrEP and clinicians interested in prescribing PrEP.

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HQ Toronto

+-*HQ Toronto at 790 Bay will be a centre of excellence in healthcare for cis guys into guys and all trans and non-binary people.

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+-*GetaKit is a study that offers mail-out delivery of free HIV self-test kits in Ontario to people 16 or older who meet certain conditions.

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Funding Opportunities

Through our HIV Endgame Program, we will offer a selection of awards to draw on Ontario's innovation expertise in ways that help us reach the Endgame. Our Endgame Strategic Plan lays out our plan to work with people living with HIV, affected communities, care providers, researchers and policymakers to make new HIV infections rare and to help people with HIV lead long healthy lives free of discrimination. We call this plan the HIV Endgame because we believe that by making the correct tactical moves over the next 10 years, we can stop HIV. Read the OHTN Endgame Plan to 2026.

Sector Support and Resources

The Ontario HIV Treatment Network supports other organizations in Ontario by helping them train their teams and track their stats. The links below are mostly for people who work in the sector, but our resources are open to anyone!


Get OCHART support

The Ontario Community HIV/AIDS Reporting Tool (OCHART) is the accountability reporting tool for all Ontario-based HIV service organizations that receive funding from one or all of the following agencies: the AIDS Bureau (Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care), the Hepatitis C Secretariat (Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care) or the Public Health Agency of Canada's AIDS Community Action Program (Ontario Region). The OHTN has partnered with all three funding agencies to host the OCHART database and make the data accessible to funders and agencies.


Get OCASE support

The Ontario Community-Based AIDS Service and Evaluation (OCASE) system is a client records management tool currently used by the 32 dedicated AIDS service organizations in Ontario. Every agency that uses OCASE must record its client information and the services it has delivered in an agency-specific, confidential database. Only authorized individuals from each agency can access the recorded information.


HIV Testing Ontario

Created in conjunction with the Ontario Ministry of Health and healthcare providers, HIV Testing Ontario offers training modules and information to support frontline care workers providing HIV testing in a variety of settings.


HIV Resources Ontario

HIV Resources Ontario is a capacity-building network for AIDS Service Organizations (ASOs). We help them implement and sustain a high-impact approach to HIV prevention and support.

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