OCN Member? Yes

Clinic Address: 790 Bay Street, Suite 820 P.O. Box 66 Toronto, ON M5G 1N8

Clinic Phone: 416-521-4445


Clinic Fax: 416-764-5507

Clinic Hours: Walk-in services provided: Monday - Thursday 12-7:30pm; Friday 12-5:30pm. Closed weekends and statutory holidays.

Contact Person:

Who can refer?

  • Self-Referrals

Referral Process: SELF-REFERRALS AND WALK-INS ONLY. Only short-term care is provided at HQ and clients are linked to other local providers/clinics for long-term care. Clients who are already receiving HIV care at another clinic should be referred to one of the other clinics in Toronto. Longer-term care will only be provided for people without healthcare coverage/insurance who are not receiving care elsewhere.

Referral Link:

Referral Forms:

Waitlist: None

Wait Time: None

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