Hotel Dieu Hospital - Kington Health Sciences Centre, Infection and Immunology Clinic

OCN Member? Yes

Clinic Address: Infection and Immunology Clinic Hotel Dieu Hospital - Kingston Health Sciences Centre Jeanne Mance 3 166 Brock Street Kingston ON K7L 5G2

Clinic Phone: 613-548-6078


Clinic Fax: 613-548-6080

Clinic Hours:

Contact Person: Dr. Jorge Martinez-Cazas c/o Sydney DeSousa KHSC, Hotel Dieu Hospital Infection & Immunology Clinic Jeanne Mance 3, 166 Brock Street Kingston ON K7L 5G2 Phone: 613-548-6078 Fax: 613-548-6080

Who can refer?

  • Healthcare Providers
  • Physicians

Referral Process: No referral form or letter template. Only entry criteria is that the patient is HIV positive. Billing number for the physician will be requested. Self-referrals are not accepted. For outbound patients: For existing clients looking to transfer to a different clinic, they are asked where they are relocating to, what physician they would like to see (if any). If they specify the referral is sent to them; if they do not specify the referral letter is sent to whichever HIV specialist is nearest their new location. Once the patient connects with their new clinic they need to sign a consent form for release of medical information, and the clinic will fax Hotel Dieu team the consent and they will send the requested info.

Referral Link:

Referral Forms:

Waitlist: None

Wait Time: 2-4 weeks, less if urgent.

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