Elevate NWO
OCN Member? Yes
Clinic Address: 102-106 Cumberland Street Thunder Bay ON P7A 4M2
Clinic Phone: 807-345-1516
Clinic Fax: 807-333-0090
Clinic Hours: Monday - Friday 9am-4pm
Contact Person: Referrals are processed by Clinic Co-Coordinator Raili-Ann Chiodo.
Who can refer?
- Community Agencies
- Healthcare Providers
- Physicians
- Nurse Practitioners
- Self-Referrals
Referral Process: Complete referral form and fax to 807-333-0090. Typed notes are also accepted. Clients can self-refer in-person or by phone.
Referral Link:
Referral Forms:
Elevate NWO Provider Referral Form 2024
Waitlist: None
Wait Time: Do not have a formal waitlist at this time. Can see new referrals in < 7 days and shift work to fit these folks in. There is nowhere else locally to refer clients to for HIV care at this time.